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First, let’s take a second to slow down. Take 5 slow, relaxed breaths. You can breathe in and out through your nose, and just focus on relaxing your belly. Notice how slowing down your breath immediately helps to calm your body. 
Stretch and move any part of your body that feels tight or tired. We feel more energized after stretching, due to increased blood flow. If you know you tend to hold tension in your jaw, neck, or shoulders, pay extra attention to loosening up those muscles. 
We’ll start with a lip trill on an octave slide. Make this a very gradual slide, and think of it as a massage for your vocal folds.
[Exercise: Lip trill 1-8-1]
Now opening up to a MUM. Use a healthy medium volume, and do your best to relax your jaw on every UH vowel. 
[Exercise: MUM 1-5-8-5-1]
Last warmup will give us a chance to free up our vibrato. Take a nice, full breath every time!
[Exercise: NO 1-3-5-8--8--8-5-3-1 w/ vibrato]
Great job!


Instructor: Camille van Niekerk

Camille van Niekerk is a singer, writer and vocal instructor in Southern California. Camille began studying voice and performing in musicals at age seven. In 2010, Camille began working towards her BA in Music Education at Azusa Pacific University. She then earned her teaching credential from San Diego State University and taught classroom choral and instrumental music. Shortly after moving to LA county, Camille began her private vocal studio, providing vocal coaching, ear training, and recording for students of all ages. She is constantly refining her skills and methods for greater versatility and effectiveness. When she is not teaching, Camille enjoys singing with the L.A. Choral Lab and Ensoma Creative. She lives in San Diego with her husband and loves going to the beach, practicing yoga, reading, and cooking.