Day 1: Welcome And What To Expect

From: 14-Day Range Extension Course With Camille
by Camille van Niekerk

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Welcome to your 14-day range extension course! In this course we’ll cover the key principles of range extension and learn specific exercise routines that will help you access your full vocal range. Range extension happens incrementally, in much the same way your hamstrings or hips become more flexible with consistent stretching. Consistency is how we both develop and then maintain a wide vocal range. 

It can be a lot of fun to test the limits of your voice, but I encourage you to have patience and be aware of how your voice feels before and after you practice. We never want to force our voice through pain or vocal fatigue.

This course does require that you are matching pitch comfortably and have a basic understanding of vocal technique and registration. Since range extension involves testing out and expanding our vocal limits, I recommend that you have completed at least one of our Beginner Courses Part 1 or 2 before attempting this course. This will ensure that you have a good understanding of healthy vocal technique so you get the most out of the material we’re about to cover!

The course is divided into 2 Parts: 

In Part 1 we will cover principles involved in stretching and conditioning our voice to reach our lowest and highest notes in both chest voice and head voice. 

For Part 2 we will cover how to effectively bridge the gap between our chest and head voice for the most fluid transitions and extensions between all registers of the voice using mixed voice techniques.  

Warm-Up: Let's finish off our first day with some exercises that can be used as both a warm up or cool down routine to decompress and reset your voice throughout the course.

  1. Hum to Open - single pitch, hiss to hum, etc
  2. Staccato Pulsing on Ha 123454321
  3. Stepwise Weyah 123454321
  4.  Waterfall exercise Wah (8,5,3,1) 


Rang Extension Course Day 1A
Range Extension Course Day 1B
Range Extension Course Day 1C
Range Extension Course Day 1D


Instructor: Camille van Niekerk

Camille van Niekerk is a singer, writer and vocal instructor in Southern California. Camille began studying voice and performing in musicals at age seven. In 2010, Camille began working towards her BA in Music Education at Azusa Pacific University. She then earned her teaching credential from San Diego State University and taught classroom choral and instrumental music. Shortly after moving to LA county, Camille began her private vocal studio, providing vocal coaching, ear training, and recording for students of all ages. She is constantly refining her skills and methods for greater versatility and effectiveness. When she is not teaching, Camille enjoys singing with the L.A. Choral Lab and Ensoma Creative. She lives in San Diego with her husband and loves going to the beach, practicing yoga, reading, and cooking.