Start Learning From The World's Best Singing Coaches

Easy, Fast and Fun video lessons that work.
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FEATURING * Reagan James From

How It Works:

Everyone can be a great singer with our method

Learn The Singer's Breath

Using simple exercises, vocal warm ups and vocal strengthening techniques, we will extend the range of your voice so you can hit more notes than ever before!

Develop Vocal Power

The secret to an amazing singing voice is power. This course will strengthen your voice and train you on proper breath control to give you a maximum vocal power.

Get Personalized Feedback

Submit a video of yourself singing and one of our instructors will provide personalized feedback as soon as possible. If you’re not sure where to go next, or you’ve been stuck in one place for too long, we’ll give you advice on how to get to the next level.

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Please Review Our
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy:



Welcome to the 30 Day Singer learning service (referred to herein as either, the "Site"), owned and operated by 30 Day Lessons Inc. ('Company"). Subject to the following Terms of Service ("Terms"), 30 Day Singer provides users of the Site with access to services, including a collection of singing lessons, singing resources, and forums of users and subscribers ("Services").


We reserve the right to add, delete and/or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. In the event of substantive changes to the terms of this Agreement, you will be notified with a notice on the site. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to discontinue use of the Services. Your continued use of the Services following posting of a change notice or new agreement on the Site or notice to you via e-mail, will constitute your binding acceptance of the changes.


1. BINDING EFFECT. This is a binding agreement. By using this services provided in connection with the Site, you agree to abide by these Terms, as Company may amend them from time to time in its sole discretion. No one under 13 is allowed to create an account or use the Services. By using the Services, you state that:

  • You can form a binding contract with Company --- meaning that if you're between 13 and 18, your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these Terms; and
  • You will comply with these Terms and all applicable local, state, national and international laws, rules, and regulations.
  • Special notice regarding Citizens and residents of the European Union: In accordance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Citizens of the EU who are younger than 16-years-old, while they have the legal capacity to enter into agreements, shall nevertheless be prohibited from doing so with Company and from using the Services unlessconsent to use their Personal Data (their personally identifiable information, such as name, email, phone number, IP address, etc.), which is necessary to effectuate the service agreement herein, is actually given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child. For more information, visit our Privacy Policy. (


2. PRIVACY POLICY. Company respects your privacy and permits you to control the treatment of your personal information. A complete statement of Company’s current privacy policy available at: Company’s privacy policy is expressly incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.

3. COMPANY SERVICES. Company provides three (3) levels of access to the Site and its Services:

  • Visitor Access. Any visitor to the Site will be able to access only basic information about the Site and the Services of Company.
  • Registered User Access. Site visitors may register to use the Site by providing basic information to Company, and registered users receive limited access to Site Services.
  • Subscriber Access ("Full Access"). Registered users may subscribe to "30 Day Singer Full Access." Subscriber Access requires periodic payments to take and remain in effect. As a subscriber, you agree to pay for the subscription period selected at the time of purchase. You will receive a confirmation notice upon your original effective date with information about your subscription. You may view current information about your subscription at any time at your account page ( It is your responsibility to review the notice and your account page to ensure that it accurately reflects the requested subscription period.

4. SUBSCRIPTION - AUTOMATIC RENEWAL AND CANCELLATION POLICIES. If you are a subscriber, you agree that your subscription shall renew automatically, and that you authorize automatic renewal of your subscription until it is cancelled. You can cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription at any time. To do so, contact us at [email protected] and provide your account username or account email address. Your account will be canceled within two (2) business days of receipt and acceptance of your cancellation. Company will refund any payment made within thirty (30) days of the payment date. We will give you notice of price increases. If you do not cancel your subscription within 30 days, then you will be deemed to have accepted the price increases and your payment information on file will be charged accordingly.


5. USERNAME/PASSWORD PROTECTION. Upon registering, you will be given a username and password that will permit you to access the appropriate level of services for the Site. You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect and ensure the accuracy of any login, password or payment information provided in connection with the Services. You further agree to be the sole user of your username/password and the Services, and to promptly notify Company if this is not the case.


6.  USER CONTENT.You hereby grant Company a license to use the materials you post to the Site or Service. By posting, downloading, displaying, performing, transmitting, or otherwise distributing information or other content (“User Content”) to the Site or Service, you are granting Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives a license to use User Content in connection with the operation of the Internet business of Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives, including without limitation, a right to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate, and reformat User Content. You will not be compensated for any User Content. You agree that Company may publish or otherwise disclose your name in connection with your User Content. By posting User Content on the Site or Service, you warrant and represent that you own the rights to the User Content or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute User Content.


7. PROHIBITED USES OF THE SITE AND SERVICE. Company imposes certain restrictions on your permissible use of the Site and the Service. You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate any security features of the Site or Service, including, without limitation, (a) accessing content or data not intended for you, or logging onto a server or account that you are not authorized to access; (b) attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Service, the Site, or any associated system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (c) interfering or attempting to interfere with service to any user, host, or network, including, without limitation, by means of submitting a virus to the Site or Service, overloading, “flooding,” “spamming,” “mail bombing,” or “crashing;” (d) using the Site or Service to send unsolicited e-mail, including, without limitation, promotions, or advertisements for products or services; (e) forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or in any posting using the Service; (f) threaten, harass, abuse, slander, defame or otherwise violate the legal rights (including, without limitation, rights of privacy and publicity) of third parties; (g) publish, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, vulgar, defamatory, infringing, obscene, tortious, indecent, unlawful, offensive, immoral or otherwise objectionable material or information or (h) attempting to modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce or attempt to reduce to a human-perceivable form any of the source code used by Company in providing the Site or Service. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability.


A.   Print and Download Restrictions. The Site may at times contain proprietary and original material licensed from Third Parties. The terms under these licenses may prohibit the downloading and/or printing of such material by users. Company is obliged under such licenses to disable the user's ability to download and/or print such content. Any attempt by you to circumvent these restrictions is a violation of the Terms and may result in termination of service and appropriate legal action.


8.  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NOTICES. The name "30 Day Singer" and its logo are trademarks of Company. The Site contains proprietary, original material that is protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties. Company, our instructors and our licensors retain all intellectual property rights with respect to such proprietary, original material. It is understood that anyone who misappropriates the Company's name or content for commercial use, without the express permission of the Company, may subject himself to civil or criminal penalties. Similarly, any commercial publication or exploitation of the Services or any content provided in connection therewith is specifically prohibited and anyone wishing to do so must first request and receive prior written permission from Company.


9. ALLEGED VIOLATIONS. Company reserves the right to terminate your use of the Service and/or the Site. To ensure that Company provides a high quality experience for you and for other users of the Site and the Service, you agree that Company or its representatives may access your account and records on a case-by-case basis to investigate complaints or allegations of abuse, infringement of third party rights, or other unauthorized uses of the Site or the Service. Company does not intend to disclose the existence or occurrence of such an investigation unless required by law, but Company reserves the right to terminate your account or your access to the Site immediately, with or without notice to you, and without liability to you, if Company believes that you have violated any of the Terms of Use, furnished Company with false or misleading information, or interfered with use of the Site or the Service by others.


10. LINKS. Company welcomes links to its web site. You are free to establish a hypertext link to this Site provided that the link does not state or imply any sponsorship or endorsement by Company. Company often links to web sites that are not under its control. Company is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. Company provides links only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the web site by Company.


11. DISSEMINATION, DISCONTINUANCE OR MODIFICATION OF SERVICES. Company may change or discontinue any of its Services or its dissemination of the lessons of any instructor, category and type of music, resources and data, and works of specific contributors, at any time and without notice and without liability to you. Company may change or eliminate any transmission method and may change transmission speeds or other signal characteristics. Company, at its sole discretion, may occasionally make modifications to the Site, its servers, and the information, resources and data contained therein, including the Services and/or Company's Full Access content.


12. DISCLAIMER. Please read this Disclaimer carefully before using any of the Services, including subscribing to the Company's Full Access content.


You understand and agree that the Services available on the site are provided on an "as-is" and "as available" basis. Company hereby disclaims any and all warranties with respect to the Services, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, accuracy, title and non-infringement. In connection with the foregoing you expressly agree that use of this site is at your sole risk and without any warranty and that such exclusion of warranties is an essential part of the basis on which Company provides the Services.


You expressly agree that use of the Services, including all lessons and content distributed by, downloaded or accessed from or through this Site, is at your sole risk. You understand and agree that you will be solely responsible for any damage to you or your computer system or for any loss of data that results from the use of the Services by you.


Company will make all reasonable efforts to have the Services available on a 24-hour basis, excluding normal network administration and system down time, but if access is suspended or interrupted, liability will be limited to restoring access to the Services as soon as practical.


With respect to merchandise sold or given as gifts on the Site, any references to their retail or market value represent their "estimated market value." Estimated market value means that reasonable good faith efforts have been made by Company to determine actual retail value of the merchandise. Given the rarity and unique qualities of the products, and the lack of available and reliable market data, the values represented on the Site are estimates only and should not be relied upon as true indications of actual retail or market value.


13. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. Under no circumstances shall Company be liable, whether alleged as a breach of contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), equity or otherwise, for any cost of cover or substitute service or any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from or in connection with the use the Services, or resulting from unauthorized access to or alteration of transmissions of lessons or of other information that is sent or received, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


14. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Company has in place certain legally-mandated procedures regarding allegations of copyright infringement occurring on the Site or with the Service. Company has adopted a policy that provides for the immediate suspension and/or termination of any Site or Service user who is found to have infringed on the rights of Company or of a third party, or otherwise violated any intellectual property laws or regulations. Company’s policy is to investigate any allegations of copyright infringement brought to its attention. If you have evidence, know, or have a good faith belief that your rights or the rights of a third party have been violated and you want Company to delete, edit, or disable the material in question, you must provide Company with all of the following information: (a) a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (b) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works; (c) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringed or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Company to locate the material; (d) information reasonably sufficient to permit Company to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which you may be contacted; (e) a statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (f) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. For this notification to be effective, you must provide it to Company’s designated agent at:


Benjamin Martin

30 Day Lessons Inc

268 Bush St #4400, San Francisco, CA 94104

(855) 394-8482

[email protected]


15. INDEMNITY. You agree to indemnify Company for certain of your acts and omissions. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives from any and all third party claims, losses, liability, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising from your access to or use of the Site, your violation of these Terms of Use, or your infringement, or infringement by any other user of your account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity. Company will notify you promptly of any such claim, loss, liability, or demand, and will provide you with reasonable assistance, at your expense, in defending any such claim, loss, liability, damage, or cost.




A.  Complaint Process. Any individual may bring complaints relating to Company’s use of Personal Data, or any other matter arising under this Privacy Policy, directly to the company by sending notice of the complaint to the Company’s Consumer Relations Officer at [email protected]. Company shall respond in a reasonable time not to extend beyond 45 days.


B.  Good Faith Negotiation; Arbitration. Should a dispute arise between you and Company under this Agreement, we would like to provide both parties with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Therefore, except for (i) claims for injunctive or equitable relief, (ii) claims regarding intellectual property rights ((i) and (ii) shall be handled directly by filing the matter with the appropriate State and Federal Courts residing in San Francisco, California), or (iii) claims involving anything related to Company’s use, retention, or sharing of Personal Data (which shall be handled according to Section 16 of Company’s Privacy Policy), for any claim arising under this Agreement, either party shall attempt to resolve said dispute first through good faith negotiations. Should that fail, either party may elect to resolve dispute though binding non-appearance-based arbitration under the Commercial Rules of Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association conducted in San Francisco, California. The Arbitrator and the parties must comply with the following rules: (a) the arbitration will be conducted, at the option of the party seeking relief, by telephone, online or based solely on written submissions; (b) the arbitration will not involve any personal appearance by the parties or witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; and (c) any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.




C.   No Class Actions. You and Company agree that either of you may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. Further, you agree that the arbitrator may not consolidate proceedings of more than one person’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.


D.   Cause of Action. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Services or the Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.


A.  Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement cannot be changed or modified except as provided herein.

B.   Waiver; Severability. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement will not be deemed or construed as a waiver of such term or condition, or of any subsequent breach thereof. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such determination shall not affect any other provision hereof, and the unenforceable provision shall be replaced by an enforceable provision that most closely meets the commercial intent of the parties.

C.   Binding Effect. This Agreement will be binding on the assigns, heirs, executors, affiliates, agents, personal representatives, administrators, and successors (whether through merger, operation of law, or otherwise) of each of the parties.

D.  Notice. Any notice, approval, request, authorization, direction or other communication under this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be deemed to have been delivered and given for all purposes on the delivery date if sent by electronic mail to the addresses provided to and by you upon registration with Company, or as properly updated, or, in the absence of a valid electronic mail address, via any other method Company may elect in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, via posting on the Website.

E.   Governing Law; Dispute Resolution. This Agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable to agreements entered into and to be wholly performed in California, without regard to conflict of laws principles. Any and all disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved in the manner set forth in Arbitration clause above.

F.   Rights Cumulative. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the rights and remedies of the parties provided under this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any other rights and remedies of the parties at law or equity.

G.   Headings. The titles and headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be considered in construing or interpreting this Agreement.

H.   No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and their authorized successors and permitted assigns. Nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any person or entity, other than the parties hereto and their authorized successors and permitted assigns, any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.

I.    Assignment. Company may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement at any time to any party. You may not assign your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement without obtaining Company's prior written consent.





1. INTRODUCTION. 30 Day Lessons Inc. (“us,” “we,” or “Company”) is committed to respecting the privacy rights of its customers, visitors, and other users of the Company Website (“the Site”) and Mobile Applications (“the Apps”), together referred to herein as “Services.” We created this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) to give you confidence as you visit and use our Services and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices. and to the protection of privacy. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the Services, and not to any other websites that you may be able to access from the Services, each of which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Privacy Policy.

a. “Personal Data” and “Personal Identifiable Information” are data about an identified or identifiable individual. Personal Data may include your name, address, telephone number, credit card information, and any other information that is connected with you and may identify you personally.
b. “Processing” of Personal Data means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure or dissemination, and erasure or destruction.
c. “Controller” means a person or organization which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data.
d. “Agent” or “Processor” means any person or organization that processes Personal Data on Controller’s behalf.
e. “Customer” means the subscriber of or visitor to the Company’s Site or Apps, or otherwise accesses the Company’s Services.

3. COMPANY’S LAWFUL BASIS FOR PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA. Any use of your Personal Data must be for a lawful purpose. In Company’s case, the Personal Data requested from you (e.g., your name, address, email, billing information, etc.) is necessary for the entering into and the performance of the lawful contract between Company and you, under which terms, you may use and enjoy the Company’s Services. Company shall also use the information to promote its services within its subscription base and, with your permission, may share it with third party or affiliate companies interested in marketing similar products to you.

REGULATION (GDPR). In keeping with Company’s commitment to comply with the various rules and regulations relating to safeguarding and protecting Personal Data it receives from its customers in the United States, in the European Union, and elsewhere, Company has chosen to undertake a good faith effort to comply the European Union’s GDPR and the obligations it imposes on controllers and processors of EU Personal Data, and to incorporate the privacy terms required for GDPR compliance herein.

5. COMPLIANCE WITH DATA PRIVACY FRAMEWORK. 30 Day Lessons Inc. complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. 30 Day Lessons Inc. has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union and the United Kingdom in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. 30 Day Lessons Inc. has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program, and to view our certification, please visit

6. PRIVACY PRINCIPLES ADHERED TO BY COMPANY PERSONNEL. Company will ensure that its personnel engaged in the processing of Customer Data and Personal Data (i) will process such data only on instructions from Customer, and (ii) will be obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of such data even after their engagement ends. Furthermore, Company hereby complies with with EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) Data Privacy's Notice Principle which requires Company to inform all participants of the Services about:

a. Its participation in the Data Privacy (see Paragraph 5 above)

b. The types of personal data collected and the entities or subsidiaries of the organization also adhering to the Principles (see Paragraph 7(a) below)

c. Its commitment to subject to the Principles all personal data received from the EU, UK, and/or Switzerland in reliance on the Data Privacy (see Paragraph 5 above)

d. The purposes for which it collects and uses personal information about them (see Paragraphs 3 and 7(b) below)

e. How to contact the Company with any inquiries or complaints (see Paragraph 17 below)

f. The type or identity of third parties to which it discloses personal information, and the purposes for which it does so (see Paragraph 7(d) below)

g. The right of individuals to access their personal data (see Paragraph 12 below)

h. The choices and means Company offers individuals for limiting the use and disclosure of their personal data (see Paragraph 9 below)

i. The independent dispute resolution body designated to address complaints and provide recourse free of charge to the individual, which in this case is an alternative dispute resolution provider based in the U.S. (see Paragraph 17(a) below)

j. The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over 30 Day Lessons’s compliance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) (see Paragraph 5 above).

k. The possibility, under certain conditions, for the individual to invoke binding arbitration (see Paragraph 17(b) below)

l. The requirement to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities (see Paragraph 7(b) below) 

m. Company's liability in cases of onward transfers to third parties (see Paragraph 7(b)(ii) below)


a. Types.

i. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTED (NON-PERSONAL IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION). We automatically track and collect the following categories of information when you visit our Services: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of computers accessing the Services; and (4) types of web browsers used to access the Services (collectively “Traffic Data”). Traffic Data is anonymous information that does not personally identify you but is helpful for marketing purposes or for improving your experience on the Services. We also use “cookies” to customize content specific to your interests, to ensure that you do not see the same advertisement repeatedly, and to store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the Services.

ii. PERSONAL IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION COLLECTED. In order for you to access certain premium, services and to purchase products that we offer via our Services, we require you to provide us with certain information that personally identifies you. Personal Identifiable Information includes the following categories of information: (1) Contact Data (such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and, if you call our phone support service, your phone number); (2) Geographical Information (such as time zones, locales) (3) Financial Data (such as your account or credit card number, your Paypal email address, or your billing address); (4) Demographic Data (such as your zip code, age, and income); (5) Facebook Profile and ID (we access the first and last names and email address from customer’s public profile information); and Google Account Information (we access the first and last names and email address from customer’s public profile information) . If you communicate with us by e-mail, post messages to any of our chat groups, bulletin boards, or forums, or otherwise complete online forms, surveys, or contest entries, any information provided in such communication may be collected as Personal Information. If you choose to participate in one of our optional marketing research surveys, contests, or other promotional and marketing events at the site, the demographic information asked for (e.g., name, age, gender, and income level) will be collected and retained by us for marketing purposes as described below.

b. Uses.

i. COMPANY USE OF INFORMATION. We act as a “Controller” of information we receive from you in that we use your Contact Data to send you information about our company or our products or services, or to provide you with promotional material from some of our partners, or to contact you when necessary. We use your Financial Data to verify your qualifications for certain products or services and to bill you for products and services. We use your Demographic Data to customize and tailor your experience on the Services, such as displaying content that we think you might be interested in according to demographic data and your expressed preferences.

ii. SHARING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. We share certain categories of information we collect from you to the following parties for the following purposes:

We share Demographic Data with advertisers and other third parties only on an aggregate (i.e., non-personally-identifiable) basis.
We share Contact Data with other companies who may want to send you information about their products or services, unless you have specifically requested that we not share Contact Data with such companies.
We also share Contact Data and Financial Data with our business processing partners who assist us by performing core services (such as hosting, billing, fulfillment, or data storage and security) related to our operation of the Services. Company may hire such third parties to provide certain limited or ancillary services on its behalf. Customer consents to the engagement of these third parties as Sub-processors.
Contractual obligation of all entities with whom we share Personal Data to adhere to Privacy Principles. By express written agreement with Company, those entities who act as Controllers with whom we share Personal Data shall warrant and represent that they likewise comply with the same Privacy Principles as those required by GDPR and EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF), and shall take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect any shared data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into due account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the Personal Data.
Obligations of our business processing partners only. Our agreement with our business processing partners, or agents, provide that such Personal Data shared may only be processed for limited and specific purposes consistent with the consent provided by the customer, that they shall comply with the same level of privacy protection as provided by the Company, and that they will otherwise notify Company if the processor can no longer meet this obligation. In such an event, the agreement will stipulate that the processing partner will immediately cease the processing and shall take other reasonable and that Company shall take appropriate steps to remediate. The agreement shall further provide that, should an unauthorized breach occur involving their data security systems, our processing partners shall immediately inform Company.

c. Location and Retention of Customer Data. Unless otherwise expressed herein, the Personal Data collected by Company shall be kept in its central server and shall remain only as long as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the service agreement between Company and customer, or, with customer’s approval, in perpetuity, until customer requests its removal.

d. Summary of Data Recipients, Users, Purposes, and Retention Periods.


Recipient of Data

Data Solicited/Shared


Retention Period

30 Day Lessons Inc.

(Originating Controller)

Data Solicited:

Personal Information (name; phone number; email; address); Computer information (IP; Browser type); Demographic Information (zip code, age, income); Financial Information (credit card number, PayPal address, billing address); Geographical information (Locale, Time Zone); Facebook Profile; Google Profile

Information is necessary to effectuate the service agreement between Company and customer, for customer support, and to allow Company to promote and market the service within its customer base. Facebook and Google public profile information are accessed by Company only to record the “name” and “email” of customer, again for effectuating the agreement and for internal marketing.


Information shall be retained and used in its central server only as long as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the service agreement between Company and customer, or, with customer’s approval, in perpetuity, until customer requests its removal.

Mobile Advertising, Marketing, and Attribution Networks

Data shared:

Personal Information (email); Device information (IP; Device type, in-app events, advertising IDs); Geographical information (Locale, Time Zone);

Information is necessary to effectuate the service agreement between Company and customer, for customer support, and to allow Company to promote and market the service within its customer base.


Information shall be retained and used in its central server only as long as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the service agreement between Company and customer, or, with customer’s approval, in perpetuity, until customer requests its removal. Customer may also limit the sharing of this data.


8. DATA BREACH NOTIFICATION. If Company becomes aware of a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to Customer Data or Personal Data while processed by Company (each a “Security Incident”), Company will promptly and without undue delay (1) notify Customer of the Security Incident; (2) investigate the Security Incident and provide Customer with detailed information about the Security Incident; (3) take reasonable steps to mitigate the effects and to minimize any damage resulting from the Security Incident. With respect to breach of Personal Data of citizens of the EU, Company shall comply with GDPR requirements and take immediate steps to notify the supervisory authority “without undue delay” and within 72 hours of discovering the breach, where feasible. Company’s obligation to report or respond to a Security Incident under this section is not an acknowledgement by Company of any fault or liability with respect to the Security Incident.

9. CUSTOMER’S CHOICES REGARDING USE OF INFORMATION; CUSTOMER’S RIGHT TO OPT-OUT. You may choose not to provide us with any Personal Information. In such an event, you may still access and use much of the Services, however, you will not be able to access and use those portions of the Services that require your Personal Information. If you do not want us to share your Contact Data with any third parties, please email us at [email protected], or select the “opt out” box on our online forms. In addition, we maintain a procedure for you to review and request changes to your Personal Information; this procedure is described in Section 11 below.

a. Assignment of Personal Information in the Event of Sale or Change in Business Status. In the event of a sale of the business, or company bankruptcy, we may be required to sell portions of our company or its assets, including the information collected through the Services. If Company or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, customer information may be one of the assets transferred to the acquirer. It shall be a necessary condition of any transfer that these privacy policy principles expressed herein shall continue to remain in force.

10. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION. Customer’s personal payment information (e.g., credit card information) is currently stored with a third-party payment processing company, Stripe or PayPal. We do not store credit card information on our own service, only on the third-party server “vault.” Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your other personal information private on secure servers and will not share it with third parties, unless such disclosure is necessary to: (a) comply with a court order or other legal process; (b) protect our rights or property; or (c) enforce our Terms of Service. We provide you with the capability to transmit your Personal Data Information via secured and encrypted channels if you use a similarly equipped web browser.

11. DATA PROTECTION OFFICER. Company has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to regularly monitor and maintain the systems and processes relating to Company’s proper handling of Personal Data Information, and to make sure that appropriate safeguards be in place to ensure that any processing and retention of Personal Data complies with the GDPR. Moreover, the Company shall be responsible for onward transfer and the record-keeping relating to all processing activities, for the purposes of demonstrating compliance with GDPR, should a compliance audit be requested.

12. PROCESS TO ACCESS, UPDATE, CORRECT, OR ERASE PERSONAL INFORMATION. We maintain a procedure in order to help you confirm that your Personal Information remains correct and up-to-date. At any time, you may visit your personal profile at Through your personal profile you may: (a) review and update your Personal Information that we have already collected; (b) choose whether or not you wish us to send you information about our company, or promotional material from some of our partners; and/or (c) choose whether or not you wish for us to share your Personal Information with third parties.

13. DATA PORTABILITY. Upon your request, Company shall provide your Personal Data in a machine-readable format, or electronically transmit your Personal Data, directly to another Controller.

14. NOTICE CONCERNING CHILDREN. Our Services are intended for a general audience, and we do not direct any of our content specifically at children under 13 years of age. We understand and are committed to respecting the sensitive nature of children’s privacy online. If we learn or have reason to suspect that a user of our Services is under age 13, we will promptly delete any personal information in that user’s account. Special notice regarding Citizens and residents of the European Union: Citizens of the EU who are younger than 16-years-old may provide personal information provided consent is actually given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.

15. LOST OR STOLEN INFORMATION. You must promptly notify us if your credit card, user name, or password is lost, stolen, or used without permission. In such an event, we will remove that credit card number, user name, or password from your account and update our records accordingly.

16. PUBLICLY-RELEASED INFORMATION. The Services contain links to other third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We also make chat rooms, forums, message boards, and news groups available to you. Please understand that any information you voluntarily disclose in these areas becomes public information and is not our responsibility. Thereafter, you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your Personal Information in such venues.


a. Complaint Process. Any individual may bring complaints relating to Company’s use of Personal Data, or any other matter arising under this Privacy Policy, directly to the company by sending notice of the complaint to the Company’s Consumer Relations Officer at [email protected]. Company shall respond in a reasonable time not to extend beyond 45 days. Within the scope of this privacy notice, if a privacy complaint cannot be resolved through 30 Day Lesson Inc.’s internal processes. 30 Day Lessons Inc. has agreed to participate in the VeraSafe Data Privacy Dispute Resolution Procedure. Subject to the terms of the VeraSafe Data Privacy Dispute Resolution Procedure, VeraSafe will provide appropriate recourse free of charge to you. To file a complaint with VeraSafe
under the Data Privacy Dispute Resolution Procedure, please submit the required information to VeraSafe here:

b. Good Faith Negotiation; Arbitration. Should the dispute not be resolved satisfactorily in good faith negotiations between you and the Company, Company shall act in good faith to provide, free of charge, accessible and independent dispute resolution though an independent dispute resolution service provider located in San Francisco, California. Should that not be successful, either party may then elect to resolve any remaining dispute through a neutral, binding, non-appearance-based arbitration under the Commercial Rules of Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association conducted in San Francisco, California. The Arbitrator and the parties must comply with the following rules: (a) the arbitration will be conducted, at the option of the party seeking relief, by telephone, online or based solely on written submissions; (b) the arbitration will not involve any personal appearance by the parties or witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; and (c) any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.


c. No Class Actions. You and Company agree that you may bring claims against the other only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. Further, you agree that the arbitrator may not consolidate proceedings of more than one person’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.

d. Cause of Action. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of this Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.

18. UPDATES AND CHANGES TO PRIVACY POLICY. We reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to add to, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy, simply by posting such change, update, or modification on the Services and without any other notice to you. Any such change, update, or modification will be effective immediately upon posting on the Services.

By using our service, signing in, and/or registering for an account in any way, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy which explain how we collect store and use your email address and data.

Included With Membership:

Everything You Need To Become A Great Singer

  • Practice basic vocal techniques to build stamina

  • Master the singer’s breath to increase power

  • Apply stylization techniques for a better performance

  • Add richness to your voice with effective exercises

  • Extend your vocal range and improve vocal agility

  • Remove strain and pain while perfecting tone

Style & Performance
  • Develop your signature style with artist studies

  • Boost your performance with vocal phrasing and expression

  • Master improvisation techniques to sound like a pro

Real results in as little as 30 Days!

Trusted by thousands of singers taught from around the world


Veronique Graves Review


Nicholas Constable Review


Gianina Vergara Lagos Review

The course is great, straight to the point, and very easy to follow.

The course is great, straight to the point, and very easy to follow course. At first, I had my doubts about it, but the the second week, and after doing all the vocals exercises on a daily basis as instructed, I started to feel a difference. My voice is very clear now, and I can easily hit high notes I wasn’t able to do so before. And most importantly, I’m confidently now a lead vocal in my band, thanks to!

Jasmin 30 Day Singer Student

Hitting Those Notes!

I was able to hit those notes on key and with ease after only one week on that tough song we all have on our playlists. Thank you 30 Day Singer!

Jim Pidgeon 30 Day Singer Student

I am loving it!

My name is Susie and I started the 30 day singer program and I am loving it. It has helped me figure out my voice range which I had no idea what it was at all. I love to sing and have decided to make it my new hobby. I want to sing better for myself and hopefully one day do a musical at our local theater.

Suzie 30 Day Singer Student

Good Teachers Who keep Me Focused On My Goal

30 day singer is very good. The instructor is a good teacher and he keeps you focused on your goal. I like that you can choose your own time and speed, so this course is really good for me. Thanks very much. Johan Riebeek 30 Day Singer Student

The course was insightful, well organized, well taught...

I'm a guy who has been singing for a very long time. I get paid and I'm asked to return. Recently, I had been concentrating on studying guitar for several months and hardly sang at all. I decided to try the "30 Day Singer" course to get my voice back in shape. The course was insightful, well organized, well taught and worked beautifully for me. Don Gilkinson 30 Day Singer Student

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

Absolutely! The course is designed for singers with no experience or want to go back and study the basics.

It can take some people a little longer to find their voice and comfort level with training their own ear to listen and then sing accordingly. This should never stop anyone from taking lessons since all things musical take practice and consistency! We all learn at a difference pace, so it’s totally normal.

Yes! If you take the time to follow along with the all the exercises and even repeat lessons where you feel you need more work, you will improve. The more consistent you are, the better the results.

The beauty of the course is you can always go at your own pace, your own schedule. These lessons are available 24/7, so get in some practice when you can and skip a day if you’re not able to focus.

If you aren’t happy for whatever reason, we will give you a full refund within 30 days. We want you to be happy!

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