30 Day Singer Live Streams
Understanding Vocal Ranges
I'll cover the different variables that can help you understand what voice type you have as well as how to check your own voice to find out. I'll also provide some specific exercises that are generally good for the typical strengths and weaknesses for each type of vocalist.
Intonation Practice Week 2/2
By Camille van NiekerkThis week's intonation practice will focus on the major scale & intervals. We'll also cover half steps vs. whole steps, the major scale, intervals within the scale and much more!
Intonation Practice Week 1/2
By Camille van NiekerkIn this live lesson we'll do some intonation practice with a pitch matching focus. We'll also cover how to match another voice, how to match an instrument, and how to sing without a guide. Plus much more!
How To Develop Your UNIQUE Vocal Sound
By Camille van NiekerkDeveloping your unique vocal sound might be easier than you think! In this Live Lesson we'll show you how to do exactly that. You can develop your unique sound by drawing from your musical influences. We'll discuss how creativity plays a role. We'll also show you how to analyze your natural sound.
How To Sing LOUD & Quiet
By Camille van NiekerkIn this Live Lesson we'll cover air pressure and how it impacts your volume, vocal fold compression and what that means for your voice, vowel shapes & their impact on your singing, and resonance strategies for singing loud or quiet without inducing strain.
How To Sing SMOOTH
By Camille van NiekerkLearn how to smooth out your voice in this Live Lesson. We'll cover how to blend registers, singing without a noticeable "crack", and building mix or middle voice.
Vocal Phrasing & Expression
By Camille van NiekerkIn this Live Lesson we'll cover: what a musical phrase is, where & when to breathe, "back phrasing", delivering lyrics more expressively and much more!
Notes, Scales & Keys Overview for Beginning Singer
By Camille van NiekerkIn this Live Lesson we'll go over some basics about pitches and how they fit into scales and keys of songs. We'll cover: understanding pitch letter names, scales and keys so you can learn to match pitch and sing in tune.
How To Convey Emotion While Singing
By Camille van NiekerkWith these simple tips, we will show you how to convey the emotion of a song. We will cover: using dynamics, register shifts, tone quality, vocal fry and more to convey emotion through your singing voice!
Vowels For Beginning Singers
By Camille van NiekerkIn this live lesson we will cover types of vowels, the importance of vowel shape for registration, which vowels to use in your warmup, and modifying vowels in your song work.
Ella Fitzgerald Vocal Style - Sing Like Ella!
By Camille van NiekerkSing Like Ella Fitzgerald! Considered to be one of the greatest jazz vocalists of all time, learn the techniques she used. We'll also go over Ella's distinctive tone, her vibrato and other stylistic tools from the queen of jazz.