30 Day Singer Live Streams


Finding Resonance

Discover the secret power of resonant singing. We’ll learn how to use resonance to project our voice, shape our tone, and ultimately grow our voice. LIVE on 3/31/25


Easy R&B Vocal Style For Beginning Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

In this live lesson we'll cover how to sing with an R&B style! Topics include riffs & runs, smooth, rich tone, consistent vibrato and song examples from popular artists.

Mindset For Beginning Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

Are you a beginning singer? Here are a few tips on the mindset you should have when jumping in! In this lesson we'll cover singing & your brain, how to avoid frustration & burnout, setting achievable goals, and more!

Harmony Practice For Beginners

By Camille van Niekerk

Are you a beginning singer? Here are some harmony practice techniques you should consider when jumping in! In this lesson we will go over singing the melody while others are harmonizing, hearing & learning harmony parts, singing a harmony while others are singing the melody, and much more!

Intro To Classical Singing

By Camille van Niekerk

We'll cover: - Neutral to low larynx position - Lifted soft palate - Pure vowels - Free vibrato

Vocabulary For Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

We'll cover: - Resonance - Intonation - Chest voice, head voice, mix, etc. - Basic music theory vocab like pitch, key, scale, chord, and more

Apply Vocal Exercises To Song Work

By Camille van Niekerk

We'll cover: - Style-specific warmups - Warming up to your high notes - How to choose a warmup syllable - Modifying lyrics to sing with more ease

Running Out Of Breath While Singing

By Camille van Niekerk

Do you run out of breath while singing your favorite songs? This Live Lesson will show you some tips and tricks on how to learn to sustain your breath for longer! We'll cover: -Why it's not just about your breath: it's about your vocal folds, too! -Warmup exercises to activate your abdominal muscles -Common issues: not planning breaths, gasping/shallow breathing, insufficient cord closure -How to work on your breathing within songs

Fix Your Jaw & Tongue Tension

By Camille van Niekerk

Experiencing tightness or tension while singing? This Live Lesson will address any Jaw and Tongue tension you may experience. We'll cover: The "default" position for both jaw and tongue -Modifying vowels (and consonants) to reduce strain -Common issues: tight jaw, tongue retraction and more -Warmup exercises to release the jaw and tongue -How to diagnose and correct tension in your singing practice

How To Strengthen Your Voice

By Camille van Niekerk

Do you have a weak voice? Would you like to add some power and strength to your voice? In this live lesson we will teach you how to connect to your chest voice, train with consonants, adjust your articulators (jaw, tongue, lips), and finish with some semi-occluded exercises.

Vocal Cracking

By Camille van Niekerk

What is vocal cracking and why does it happen? In this live lesson we will go over why we "crack," how to anticipate "cracks" before they occur, vowel modification to find vocal balance, consonant substitution to avoid cracks, and intentional "cracks" for stylistic effect.

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