Online Singing Lessons With Camille van Niekerk

Camille van Niekerk is a singer, writer and vocal instructor in Southern California. She loves sharing the beauty and joy of music with others, whether through performance or teaching.
Camille began studying voice and performing in musicals at age seven. In 2010, Camille began working towards her BA in Music Education at Azusa Pacific University, where she studied classical voice with Rebecca Genzink and jazz voice with Kristin Korb and John Proulx. Camille graduated Summa cum laude with a 3.98 GPA. She then earned her teaching credential from San Diego State University and taught classroom choral and instrumental music. Shortly after moving to LA county, Camille began her private vocal studio, providing vocal coaching, ear training, and recording for students of all ages.
Camille is a dedicated musician and a passionate teacher. She is constantly refining her skills and methods for greater versatility and effectiveness. When she is not teaching, Camille enjoys singing with the L.A. Choral Lab and Ensoma Creative. She lives in San Diego with her husband and loves going to the beach, practicing yoga, reading, and cooking.
You can follow Camille on Instagram, see Camille’s live, one take covers at, and follow her singing in Afrikaans at


Easy Pentatonic Riffs

By Camille van Niekerk

Many riffs and runs are built using the pentatonic scale. Join Camille in this lesson series on easy pentatonic riffs. In each lesson, we’ll add on one note, until we’re singing 5-note riffs!

Seventh Chords: Intermediate To Advance

By Camille van Niekerk

If you’re into jazz, R&B or rock, you should learn how to recognize and sing 7th chords. While our basic chords, or triads, have 3 notes, a 7th chord has 4, adding the 7th scale degree. This lesson series is perfect for more intermediate to advanced singers, and we recommend completing my other chord tutorials first. If you’re comfortable singing major, minor, diminished and augmented chords, you’re ready for 7ths.

How To Choose A Good Key For Your Voice

By Camille van Niekerk

In this Live Lesson we'll cover: what a key is; how to find the key of any song; analyzing the melody's range & demands; how to change keys and much more!

Vocal Health 101

By Camille van Niekerk

In this Live Lesson We'll cover: taking care of your voice; food, drink and medication; injury prevention; what to do when you're sick and much more!

Sustaining Long Notes With Camille

By Camille van Niekerk

Sustaining a note is objectively more difficult than just hitting that same note. Join Camille as she teaches you the best tips and tricks to sustaining long notes.

Major Scale Riffs

By Camille van Niekerk

After pentatonic riffs, major scale riffs are the most common. The good news is: you’re already familiar with the major scale! This lesson series will give you plenty of practice singing 3, 4 and 5-note patterns. It’ll be fun!

Build Your Head Voice

By Camille van Niekerk

Strengthen and build your head voice in this live lesson! We'll cover: the importance of starting lightly; training your onset; bright vowels; "cry" quality and much more.

Singing Myths EXPALINED

By Camille van Niekerk

We will discuss some common singing myths and debunk the incorrect ones! We'll cover: singing from your throat; singing from your diaphragm; placement; and much more.

All About Vocal Cooldowns

By Camille van Niekerk

Vocal cooldowns are just as important as warmups. Just as an athlete needs to cool down their body, singers need to cool down their vocal cords. In this lesson we'll cover when & why to cool down; types of exercises to use; order of exercises; stretch & self-massage and much more!

Agility Exercises For All Genres

By Camille van Niekerk

You'll need some vocal agility for any style you sing. In this lesson we'll cover - Staccato exercises; scales & arpeggios; wide interval leaps and much more.

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