WWeilun 5 years ago
Hi there,
I just took a brief listen to the advanced lesson "How to gradually sing higher". I found all the exercises are in the female range and not easy to follow as a male singer. Do we have kinda singing-higher-lesson for male singers?
BBilly 5 years ago
Hi Weilun,
We do not have a male-equivalent of that tutorial but we do have something that is similar. It's a tutorial on how to extend your range. Check it out here: https://www.30daysinger.com/tutorial/range-extension/1
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
Hey, Weilun! Any time there's a lesson taught by a female instructor (like myself), you can follow along by singing the octave below. When I say "lower singers down here", that pitch is for you! I also play the lower octave "bass note" in my left hand on the keyboard, one octave lower than the female range.