Warm Downs

Posted in Category Technique and Style
  • D
    Daniel Anderson-Deakin 4 years ago

     Hi, I've looked through most of the videos on this site and it seems like there's no talk of warm downs (I could be wrong though!). Are warm downs not that important?

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Warmdowns are especially important if you've just had a long session (be that rehearsal or performance of some kind). We do plan to upload some warmdowns (and I'm making a note to shoot a YouTube video for that, so thank you)! But in the meantime, anything gentle (like a lip trill, hum or straw singing) is sufficient to rebalance your cords, gradually bringing your voice back into your speaking range. 

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    Daniel Anderson-Deakin 4 years ago

    Looking forward to this thanks! A go to warm down routine we can always use would be ideal!

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Noted - thank you!

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