Voice Hurts after Warm Ups

Posted in Category Technique and Style
  • B
    Boodlemaroodle 3 years ago

    Sometimes when I'm singing and I haven't warmed up and I can sing for a long time and my voice doesn't hurt. But my voice sometimes starts to hurt after I do warm ups for singing. I'm not sure why. Should I take more breaks between them or something? 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    I wonder if you're doing warmups in a comfortable range or not! Do you know what your approximate vocal range is? 

  • B
    Boodlemaroodle 3 years ago

    I don't really know what my vocal range is. I use the Day 2 warmup when I sing. Maybe I should stop after you say to keep going if you have a higher voice? 

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You can find your vocal range by following the steps in this article - but in general, sing along when it's comfortable and drop out when it's not! See below for some more advice:

    Before dropping out, try three things:

    1. Modify the exercise to make it easier (ie: sing on a lip trill, hum or NN/NG instead of an open vowel or other syllable, if that's more doable). 

    2. Sing most of the exercise, and just "think" (audiate, or sing in your head) the pitches you can't reach without straining or going sharp/flat. This gives your vocal folds an opportunity to still adjust and prepare to sing those out-of-reach pitches, even if just air comes out. 

    3. Make sure you're shifting registers when necessary. For example, you may be unable to sing higher pitches because you're still in chest voice, in which case you'd need to "shift gears" and find your head voice placement. 

  • B
    Boodlemaroodle 3 years ago

    Thank you for the tips! I will try them out when I sing!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You're welcome! 

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