SSeann 2 months ago
Hi Abram and Camille
Can you explain why this happens and offer support suggestions? I think this may have been a problem for me all along.
How about a course or live video?
CCamille van Niekerk 2 months ago
Thank you for the suggestion, Seann! Since Abram has live lessons scheduled soon, I'll send this to him.
I recommend any lessons or series you see here on the site or the YouTube channel related to tone.
'Swallowing the sound" often results from tongue tension or pushing the larynx down (which are usually related issues). Here's a lesson on jaw & tongue tension: https://www.30daysinger.com/tutorial/fix-your-jaw-and-tongue-tension.
Hope that helps! You're welcome to submit a video for feedback so Abram or I can see and hear what you mean by "swallowing the sound" as well!
SSeann 2 months ago
Many thanks Camille. I will submit something soon. Just one more question. I find the vowel 'U' - OO - difficult - at this stage I would rather not try an alternative because I've been at this for ages = 'lol' - - but for some reason it feels uncomfortable - A-E-I-O feel great. Do you know what I might be doing wrong? Isn't 'U' meant to be the easiest vowel? BTW Happy Christmas!
CCamille van Niekerk 1 month ago
Happy Christmas, Seann! The OO vowel is easy for most folks if you maintain a light/quiet volume and let your voice transition to head voice (falsetto) - but OO is difficult in high chest voice, so I'd guess you might be getting "stuck" in chest voice at the point where OO begins to feel pulled/strained.
If EE helps you transition into head voice easier, use that instead! You can also try the more open "OO" as in "BOOK" rather than "oo" as in "cool". Ultimately, use what works for your (or the exercise's) intended purpose. And check out lessons on vowels & vowel modification for more vowel work!