Pushing on the high/top notes ?

Posted in Category Technique and Style
  • A
    Anu 3 years ago

    Hi Camille,


    While daily warm up practicing , let say OO on 1-3-1 pattern, I have noticed that I push hard [and exhale a lot more] and tend to be a bit louder on the higher notes . Is that ok and expected ? Or should I try to maintain the volume and use less/same amount of breath/air at top notes as the bottom ones ?  





  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, Anu! That's to be expected somewhat, as higher pitches require more air resistance and higher frequencies tend to sound louder. 

    While you don't need to maintain the exact same volume throughout your range, you shouldn't be pushing/exhaling more for higher pitches. See if you can train an even flow of air on something like a lip trill or straw singing!

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