Is it best to try to eventually become your own vocal teacher?

Posted in Category Technique and Style
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    Daniel Anderson-Deakin 4 years ago

    A lot of pros who are self taught with all their instruments, songwriting and everything seem to still have vocal teachers? Why is that? Is it best to try and be your own vocal teacher or just to always have one (a part from obviously being good for the vocal teachers wallet ;))? I'm very self taught with everything music wise and try to be as independent as possible so I can always improve but it seems like with vocals being self taught isn't optimal as it is with everything else?

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Good question! I think the main reason is because the vocal folds are hidden, unlike every other instrument. Troubleshooting is much easier when you can see the instrument! But I do agree that you need to be your own coach. Even if you took lessons each week, month, etc for the rest of your life (which most people won't), you're still singing on your own much more often than you're singing with your teacher. Ideally, you're learning enough to troubleshoot yourself!

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    Daniel Anderson-Deakin 4 years ago

    Yes! Exactly! So glad to hear you say that! 

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