Improving Vocal Range

Posted in Category Technique and Style
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    Brivav11 3 years ago

     Hi there, recently I have been struggling with trying to improve my vocal range. I am a male and can only hit about E4 with the chest voice. I spend a fair amount (about an hour and a half everyday) singing and practicing vocal exercises. I've done this the past 4 and a half months and have not been able to jump up and cleanly hit the F4 yet. I wonder if I need to be pushing my voice further along in vocal exercises (I normally use chest voice up until it feels comfortable). Will my range improve if I keep doing singing in a comfortable range, or do I have to push up and sing uncomfortably for it to be added to my range? Thanks a ton.

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Our goal in that range isn't to push up chest voice, but to begin mixing. First, make sure you're exercising your head voice! Those head voice muscles (CT) need to be working. Use a full-range lip trill or OO to let your voice "hand over" from chest to head. As you train your mix, that "hand over" will just be more gradual, with less head voice.

    In that middle/mix range where you're starting to feel strained, try using a tall + narrow mouth position (OH or UH shape, rather than a wide HEY or YEAH shape) to encourage more mix (head resonance along with chest). This will relieve some pressure and help you avoid the unstable "shouty" pulled-chest voice sound.

    Here's a video with a singer using that kind of "tall and narrow" vowel modification: Listen carefully to the tone after he modifies the vowel. It goes from shouty chest voice to a strong but more balanced "mix". 

    Here's an article on the kind of vowel substitution he used as well:

    These are the 3 exercises I like best for training mix:

    Here's a short lesson on avoiding "flipping" within mix:

    If you're getting a shouty tone, here's another lesson addressing problems with mix:

    I also love this teacher's demonstration & explanation of mix: Sometimes it helps to hear the tone quality in a male voice, too!

    Lastly, remember that you're building coordination (between your TA and CT muscles) while you stretch (CT) and continue to resist air (TA). Progress might be slow, but keep at it!

  • B
    Brivav11 3 years ago

    Wow this is really helpful information, thank you so much!

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You're so welcome!

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