TTobias Juarez 4 years ago
Hello, I really like the style of Shawn Mendes, he uses a lot of falsetto and combined his mixed voice with the head voice sometimes. The problem is I don't have the technique that he has. So I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips about how to sound like him, not sound like him but get to the high notes he gets and using that combination of mix/head voice without having sore throat
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
Hi, Tobias! I'd spend some time getting comfortable with head voice. It's a component of your mix, and it's crucial for finding lightness and flexibility. Closed exercises like a hum or lip trill are great!
This lesson also dives into a "chesty mix" and "heady mix" - hope it helps!
TTobias Juarez 4 years ago
Thanks a lot!
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
Sure thing!