LLiry Priel 3 weeks ago
Hello Camille!
First of all, I wanted to say that lately because of the lessons about posture and breathing I feel I can sustain longer phrases more easily, that I couldn't before, especially with the advice of not letting my posture collapse and grow taller and taller. Thank you!
Now for a few totally beginner questions:
First of all, I think I might have missed the meaning (probably because English isn't my first language), about the position that I neec to sustain whilst doing the Ooo sounds in the warmup, those that supposed to lift my soft pallet and relax my jaw. I'd like to understand it more so I can practice it as I should.
Second of all, I find it quite hard to relax my abdomen. Is there any specific tips or exercises I can do to realise its tension? I also feel as I lift my shoulders and rib cagd that it kind of pulls my belly muscles higher and 'forces' it to get tight. I hope it makes any sense.
Third, I'm not really sure I completely understood what does it means to slightly tuck in my hips. Is there any way I could see it done and how it should look like visually? :)
Lastly (I'm sorry about all those questions at once, they've just accumolated over all those days of practice) I find sometimes hard to maintain my posture and relax since I feel some kind of tension from the curve that my back creates as I lift my rib cage. It's not a medical issue, or sore muscle. It just feels kind of weird and unnatural. Sometimes it's also could be a little bit painful to my legs to stand longer in the posture. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Thank you very much and have a lovely day
CCamille van Niekerk 3 weeks ago
Hi, Liry! Some of these questions may be better answered via a feedback video, so feel free to submit one here: https://www.30daysinger.com/feedback.
1. A natural OO sound (as in COOL) is perfect!
2. Rib cage & chest are comfortably lifted, but shoulders should be down & relaxed. If it's too difficult to relax the front of your belly standing, practice breathing and gentle vocalization lying down on your back to relax and more easily feel the belly rise & fall.
3. Tilt the pelvis forward, somewhat flattening the low back
4. Posture should feel tall and energized, but still comfortable. To simplify: just stand tall, and practice that way for a while. Focusing too much on posture can cause tension, and we certainly don't want that. Let go of the need to stay in one "ideal" position, and just make your goal "tall and confident"!