RRay Burtoff 5 years ago
I seem to run out of breath on the lip trill exercises, especially the 1-5-1-8-1 runs. My lips no longer trill, it just sounds like I am pushing air out between my lips (no "brrr" sound). Any suggestions?
BBilly 5 years ago
Hi Ray,
You may want to give it a break and try again another time? Were you able to make the "brr" sound before?
CCamille van Niekerk 5 years ago
Hi, Ray!
How's it going with the lip trill? I'd recommend starting with a simple 1-5-1, and gradually extending to the longer 1-5-1-8-1 pattern. It takes some time for both your breath and facial muscles to coordinate! But you can make it a little easier by simplifying the pattern in the meantime.
- Camille
LLily 5 years ago
i love you camille so much