What would you do?

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • T
    Tobias Juarez 4 years ago

    Hi Camille, don't know if you remember I told you I couldn't hit a G4, well today I have belt a G#4(according to the Sing Sharp app) thanks to you, but do you have a specific exercise for extending the mix voice gradually? I've heard about the 1-5-1 but I'm not quite sure. 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Tobias! Great work! This video uses a 1-3-5-3-1 and a 1-5-1 pattern. For me, any pattern starting on 1 is helpful because it starts you out with a more chesty sound and then gradually stretches that coordination higher. I find a 1-3-5-3-1 pattern to work best, but I included the 1-5-1 slide, too!

    In addition to the pattern, try out different sounds - many students have an easier time stretching higher on nasal sounds like a bratty NAY or NO. Once we use that, then I'll have them sing on something less bratty like a NUH. The idea is: use the sound that helps you find that coordination, then try to keep that coordination on different sounds that are "finished" (close to your desired singing tone) rather than "unfinished" (like overly bratty, nasal sounds or yawny, dopey sounds). Hope that helps!

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