What if i dont know piano or any other instrument. How do i practice?
Posted in Category Singing Basics-
LLeticia Bonnin 4 years ago
Hello what if indont kniw how to play piano or any other instrument? How domi practice? Yeah boy
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
That's okay, Leticia! You don't need an instrument. All you need is the ability to match pitch. See below for an article and app recommendations for ear training!
Ear training article: https://www.30daysinger.com/blog/how-to-tell-if-you-re-singing-in-tune-using-free-websites-apps-to-improve-your-pitch-accuracy
App recommendations:
1. 5 free/cheap apps with pros + cons: https://musiciantuts.com/ear-training-apps/
2. Singtrue: https://www.musical-u.com/apps/singtrue/
3. Perfect Ear: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evilduck.musiciankit&utm_source=apkdot.com
4. The most well-established is EarMaster (app and software download, both paid): https://www.earmaster.com/
5. SingSharp and Perfect Pitch are pretty similar - free to download and use as a chromatic tuner, with some vocal warmups as well.