Warming up for begginers

Posted in Category Singing Basics
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    Angelgonzalez333 1 year ago

    Hello everyone, I started 1 month ago in this wonderful journey and I've been at least warming my voice every day plus watching and doing some of the the beggining courses and others on the platform, My question is when I'm warming up (I'm a man) with the begginer warming up audio that the website offered from Jonahtan that you can donwload, at the when I'm going High and my voice can't reach the tone, is it ok to go to falseto? is it healthy? is it good for my voice development? Or should I just reach with normal high voice ?


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    Camille van Niekerk 1 year ago

    Yes, you can absolutely use falsetto for your highest pitches - especially if "full voice" or "chest voice" is starting to feel strained/shouty/uncomfortable.


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    Angelgonzalez333 1 year ago

    Thank you Camille!! Blessings! 

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    Camille van Niekerk 1 year ago

    Thanks, Angel!

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