RRaequon Hardy 3 years ago
Camille i was singing in my mix voice and i hurt my soft palette. I have good posture and breath but it still got injured. It feels swollen. How do i sing safely without hurting it. And how do i strengthen my mix voice with vowels.
CCamille van Niekerk 3 years ago
Hi, Raequon! Any swelling will go down fastest with vocal rest. Straw phonation (singing through a straw) can also help reduce swelling - but nothing is better than rest. I've actually not heard of soft palate injury during singing, but it's possible that you're feeling swelling in your mouth and throat - either due to overuse or an infection. Whatever the cause, here's an article on vocal health and preventing injury!
And as for strengthening your mix with vowels, I'd start with more closed vowels (like OH and IH) and then gradually open u (to an UH or BOOK vowel); for a more "belty" sound, you can go even wider (towards HEY or YEAH shapes, but not fully there if that causes you to shout).
RRaequon Hardy 3 years ago
Thanx camille for helping me along the way. Its helping.
CCamille van Niekerk 3 years ago
Glad to hear that, Raequon! Hope you recover soon.