Singing vocal exercises on pitch

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • B
    Benjamin1.baxter 2 years ago

    Hi all, I've been doing the beginner warm up exercises daily and using a digital tuner (and melodyne to track vocals) I've noticed I am singing off pitch. Should I slow the exercise down and focus on pitch accuracy? Or should I not worry too much about pitch accuracy at this stage? Thanks for any help you can give

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Depends on how far off you are! It's normal to be within 5 cents of the pitch (and still sound "in tune" to the human ear). 

    However, I do think slowing down and working on pitch accuracy is a great idea. Once you're confidently singing a pattern in tune (like a 13531 pattern), it'll be easier to stay in tune when the exercise modulates. 

    I made this series on singing in tune, too - check it out!

  • B
    Benjamin1.baxter 2 years ago

    Thanks Camille!

    Ill be sure to check out those links.

    Really enjoying the course, thanks for all the effort!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Thank you, Benjamin! Glad to hear that. 

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