RRafaela Oliveira 3 weeks ago
Hi! I'm not sure which song (or parts of it) could be a good choice to practice head voice. I'm a contralto female singer. And I've actually thought about Somewhere only we know by Keane, but it got me thinking since it's a male voice, I might not be able to explore head voice that much. Or can I use it?
Thanks in advance.
CCamille van Niekerk 3 weeks ago
Hi Rafaela, the range may not be high enough to put you in head voice, but how about the Lily Allen version of that song? She uses head voice at times and the key may be more suitable for your own head voice practice!
RRafaela Oliveira 3 weeks ago
That's sounds great! I'll give this version a try. Thank you!
CCamille van Niekerk 2 weeks ago
Sure thing, Rafaela!