Exercise Volume

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • S
    ScottishScottty 4 years ago

    Hi all,

    I am new and have been doing exercises very quietly in office as my family are home schooling during lockdown. 

    When I exercise very low volume I can go higher than when they go out and I go normal volume I can't go as high. Then shoud I be doing it quiet or normal talking volume? 

    What volume should we be doing the exercises and is doing it quietly counter productive or beneficial?

    If singing normal volume is better but singing quiet still does some good then I can continue singing quielty in office all day while i work but if it is actually mmore harmful to sing exercises quiety then obviouly I stop and just do at normal volume when I can.



  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Matt! It's totally fine to vocalize quietly - and it seems you've found that you can sing higher in head voice (which is naturally quieter) than chest voice (normal volume). However, only singing quietly can lead you to "under-sing" and get used to that lighter coordination. I think you can safely work on range extension, agility, light head voice, and ear training at a low volume. But for strong chest voice and mixed voice, you'll need the freedom to make some noise.

    For that reason, it's ideal to do most of your training at a comfortable, "medium" volume, since that's the volume you'll mostly use when you're singing in front of others. Please see this article for more guidance on practicing quietly!

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