
Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • A
    Aaron Zhu 3 years ago

    Hi Camille,

    I seem to have a lot of questions on breathing and here is another one. I watched the video Ep. 1 "4 Breathing Types" - Voice Lessons To The World and at around 3:30, Justin says that you inhale for both your ribs and belly. Exhale only your belly comes in. I find this weird because doesn't that go against breath support. Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean right away, I think he means gradually as you wear out. Is this right though?

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Yes, that's valid! I teach a gentle "down and out" engagement, but other teachers like the "slowly contracting inward" method. Either can work - I encourage you to try both (on a hiss exercise, a lip trill, or an open vowel) and see which feels most "supportive" to you. 

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