MManar 4 years ago
Hello.. are u familiar with the tiktok challenge "sia-snowman one breath challenge" ?
well I've always known that i dont have enough breath support when singing but when I tried doing that challenge.. i felt really disappointed :(
because I barely could finish the first line ! I was able to sing this line "i want you to know that I'm never leaving cause I'm mrs. snow till death well be freezing. Yeah.." with one breath then my head started hurting me because I was out of breath !
And I always do the breath support exercises you do :(where is the problem camille? And please can u do more exercises for breath support ?
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
Hi, Manar! That does sound challenging - hardly any spots to breathe in that pre-chorus. I'd sing the melody in a configuration that gets your vocal folds working efficiently (not leaking any air), like singing through a straw or a lip trill if that works well for you. The goal is for your vocal folds to train efficiently and for you to feel good body engagement - then return to the lyrics while maintaining that same sensation you had when singing through the straw or lip trill.