Breath Support

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • G
    Gianna 4 years ago

    Hi everyone!

    ive been working on breath support for a few months now but when I try to breathe using my stomach & compress the air, it feels as if im holding my breath and I feel tension in my throat. Is there anything I can do to help this? I feel like I am compressing the air incorrectly. After taking in air, I try to flex my abs while still maintaining the round belly but then it seems to effect my throat. Also any other tips involving breath support are welcome! I seem to have a lot of trouble with it. Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. Thank you :)

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    It makes sense, Gianna! It sounds like you're closing your throat when you "suspend" (hold) your breath. See if you can stop inhaling without closing your throat - just your abs engage to keep that air, but your throat remains "open" (as in, you could keep inhaling, but you're just choosing not to). Most of us close our throats out of habit, since we hold our breath that way while swimming underwater. Let me know if that helps!


  • G
    Gianna 4 years ago

    Hi Camille, I will try that thank you :) do you have any exercises that could possibly help with that?

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Here's one I do as part of my yoga practice - it's the same idea: Good luck!

  • G
    George 4 years ago

    When doing a hiss and trying to inhale is there supposed to be a slight constriction in the throat or is it supposed to stay completely open 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    You'll feel very slight constriction! A strictly classical teacher might tell you "open at all times", and that's a good goal for inhalation, but it's sometimes impossible with very quick breaths. Trying it out right now, I can feel a bit of constriction when hissing and no constriction when I'm focused on a relaxed, open-throated inhale.

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