Beginner Baritone Warmup

Posted in Category Singing Basics
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    David Mendez Godoy 3 years ago


    I have just discovered the Baritone Warmup video on the YouTube channel of 30daysinger. While doing two of the exercises I noticed that my voice was way lower than expected. Camille introduces those two exercises (mum/bub and no) as starting on F3, however, the app that I use for checking if I am singing the correct note (vocal pitch) shows that I am singing on an F2, I am not really comfortable singing with my full chest voice in F3 (it even feels more like the beginning of a mix), plus it does not go any further than that (until I reach the next note I can sing in my head voice).


    My question is: is this normal at the beginning, and I just need to keep on working on my chest/mix to get there? or am I just another voice type (bass) and am unaware of it?


    Are any other male singers also struggling to find their voice type?

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, David!

    If you're comfortable at F2 and are experiencing a shift in the 3rd octave, it's very possible that you're more of a bass than baritone - or that you can sing as low as a bass. The second question to ask (in addition to "how low and high can you comfortably sing") is: where does your voice really shine? What range feels AND sounds the most beautiful? That's your tessitura. 

    Check out this playlist for some bass/baritone exercises and see if they're a more natural fit. 

    For any basses (and baritones) singing contemporary/pop music, we still train head voice and develop mixed coordination, too. So I'd also ask what genre of music you intend to sing!

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    David Mendez Godoy 3 years ago

    Hi, Camille!

    Thank you for your reply! 

    I do feel comfortable in the lower range, however, I have barely started working on my head and mix voice, so there is some room for change there :). I do sing pop music so I am investing time already on that portion of my voice. Also loved your live video on head voice!

    I now tried to warm up with your video for bass singers, this felt so much better!

    Also thank you for the playlist I will check it out, I tried one of the warmups and it already felt quite good. I still have so much to discover about my voice.

    Love all of your videos! Thanks for being so nice :)

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Happy to help, David! The more you learn and practice with that knowledge, the more control and consistency you'll gain with your voice. Best of luck to you!

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