Tracking progress

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  • S
    Shane Kastenschmidt 5 years ago

    I tend to be my own worst enemy when it comes to my singing voice, it critic myself in a negative way every time I play back a recording of myself. Any suggestions to alleviate the stress of thinking I'm terrible. Haha. Also, is there a perferred method to track progress and growth on vocals?

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    Camille van Niekerk 5 years ago

    Hi, Shane! I can relate. While it's easiest to only hear the bad, challenge yourself to also listen for things you did well. I ask my students before offering feedback: what did you do well, and what would you like to improve upon? The more specific your self critique is, the easier it will be to target those goals and achieve them.

    I'm interested to hear other ideas on tracking growth! There is a lot more subjectivity in singing than other activities, because it's an art - so I can't say that you'd necessarily want to keep stats or metrics. But over time, you should see improvement in tone, consistency, stamina, flexibility, agility, intonation, etc.

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    Shane Kastenschmidt 5 years ago

    Well said! Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate what you  are doing.

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    Camille van Niekerk 5 years ago

    It's my pleasure! 

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