Singing problems

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  • D
    Daniel 4 years ago


    I have been here for 12 days with Jonathan beginners course.

    I wanna know  if  before any lesson , should i make any different vocal warm ups instad the warm ups for day 2 ? Like , a little advanced  or not ?

    This course help me already to passe that E4 from F4-F#  on my octave untill this moment.

    Also , i have a better resonnance and sustain.

    Should i go make Camile daily warm ups before any lesson with Jonathan  or continue that vocal warm ups from day 2 with Jonathan ( Here also , i extend on my piano the exercices ,starting in C  midle  go to F-F# 4 and F4#-FROM E5 HEAD VOICE )


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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hey, Daniel!

    I'd recommend the tenor daily warmup you can download here:

  • D
    Daniel 4 years ago


    Should i do  just this everyday before the new lesson and leave that exercices from Day 2 with Jonathan ?

    I mean, this kind of warm up it wil help me more ?

    P. S. All. My entire life i was afraid because i thought  i am a baritone. 

    If i can hit this high notes on my head voice above E5  à bit harder to F5#. Tehnicaly, i am à tenor ?  But what kind of ? Lyric, dramatic, counter ? 

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Yes I would! If day 2 with Jonathan isn't a complete warmup, it would be better for you to use a full-range warmup (like the ones I linked). It's my favorite routine, and the magic is really in the order: starting with an SOVT (lip trill) to get your cords balanced, then gradually opening up to vowels. 

    Good question! More important than range (when determining voice type) is tessitura: where your voice sounds most beautiful, and it's most comfortable for you to sing. Have you been singing long enough to know where your tessitura is? In my experience, that can take quite a while!


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    Daniel 4 years ago

    My voice is comfortable  BETWEEN D4-F4  i think. . Everytime when i go to the octave my voice sound lighter like Shawn Mendes as exemple. Also, singing in falsetto for me is very easy i can hit very very easy a C5 as example.

    I don t know exactly what is  the right key for me  to sing, but i am feeling  confortable in B major to C major as example.But.. Before this course i was able just to hit D4#, right now i  can decent a F4 F4#. 

    Like, when i want to GO to G4 its  shaking  a bit into falsetto

    I've been singing for 2 years but  right now with this course i started to make à  warm up daily routine. 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    I'm glad you've started warming up regularly! That's crucial.

    Do you mean D3-F4, or D2-F4? If so, is there a particular "spot" within that range where your voice really shines - where it sounds its best?

  • D
    Daniel 4 years ago

    My regularly octave on my piano it is in number 4. Because i started lower like A2 going up to F4 and after going in head voice E5(sometimes F5#)

    My range shines  Best like singing in B2 C3 in the beginning of The song and  in chorus with notes like D4-F4.(ITS NOT THAT SHINEY TO START A BIT LOWER BUT IT HELPS ME TO SUSTAIN CHORUS MUCH BETTER ) I don t know exactly what key sustain that notes. Can you tell me ? 

    As example i started from that A2  down to the midlle C(witch is C3 on my piano) going up from F4 F4#  changing into head voice from E5.

    IT can be possible to hit E5 in head voice beeing   a lighter  baritone ?? I mean its   weird for me..

    Here it is a short video about my range and   and also à demo.

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    It's certainly possible to sing very high as a baritone! Like I mentioned: voice typing is more about your tessitura and less about your overall range. 

    I can't give you a key that will always use that range, because the key of a song doesn't determine a set range. Rather, the key determines which chords and pitches "belong", but those pitches can technically be in any octave.

    That said, I think this tool is what you're looking for: Be sure to read the disclaimer about entering your range up one octave!

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    Daniel 4 years ago

    OK thanks. I am looking  also for  some exercices to train my ear, sometimes i'm going  à, little bit off key. 

    If you can help me with that , it will be crucial !

    Tnx !

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Daniel!

    My favorite site for music theory and ear training is

    See below for a few free apps to try. (SingSharp and PerfectPitch are very similar, and they're both less sensitive than a typical chromatic tuner.) Another good option is a karaoke app (like Smule) that shows your pitch in real time. 

     Free apps for both iPhone + android:

    Pitched Tuner (this is a chromatic tuner, so it's quite sensitive) -

    SingSharp (less sensitive, with a vocal range finder) -

     iPhone only:

    PerfectPitch (less sensitive, and my favorite of these three) -

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