Glitchy Videos

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • A
    Astren 4 years ago

    Hi guys, 


    Just recently signed up and I must say I have been enjoying the content. However, the videos constantly have glitches in them, causing them to stop, restart and backtrack - it happens around 5-10 times per video and it's extremely frustrating to say the least. I've tried several different browsers and devices with and not much changed. 

    Has anyone else been experiencing this ? I would have preferred to send this via email as a comment/complaint but there doesn't seem to be a support team. 





  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    So sorry to hear that, Astren! That's very frustrating. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] for help. And if you haven't restarted your device yet, please try that first!

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