KKaren Griffin 4 years ago
Yesterday I was having a hard time, my voice sounded awful and I thought I was really, truly one of those people who simply could not sing. I prayed over it and came back for lesson 3, and put my heart into it, knowing that I have to be dedicated if I want to do this, and today I really began to hear an iimprovement. I've still got a long way to go but I can hear a real singing voice beginning to emerge. So if you think you're awful, just remember, hold onto your faith and your hope and KNOW that this is possible for you!
GGabriella Agosto 4 years ago
thats so amazing
CCamille van Niekerk 4 years ago
Thank you for sharing that encouragement, Karen! Singing (in my experience) does involve your whole self: not just your vocal folds and your body, but your personality and emotions as well. So happy to hear you are starting to hear improvement, and I know you'll continue to grow.