LLegglilly 1 year ago
Hi! Thank you so much for answering my question on range extension Camille.
I have just finished the 2nd beginner course and there are just so many options on what to do and I dont know where to start now that I have finished that course. What do you think would be the best thing to do?
I was also trying to find advanced warm ups for all ranges and all different voices like mix, chest, head in one. I have my first gig coming up in 20 days and I need to find the best warm up to do before.
Thank you.
CCamille van Niekerk 1 year ago
Happy to help!
I like to guide my practice based on the songs I want to sing. Can you identify any skills you'd like to improve upon for a specific song or set of songs? If so, choose lessons covering those skills! If you can't think of any, here are two series I think you'll find helpful:
This "daily pop practice" series might fit what you're looking for in a warmup: https://www.30daysinger.com/tutorial/daily-pop-practice-for-high-voices.
Have fun!