Scheduling practice

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • M
    M.roegiest 3 months ago

    I'm moving in September 2024, and I will finally be able to create my own hobby room, which will include a nice singing setup to finally start taking my lessons. 

    I could use some help thought with setting up a proper practice schedule and starting up. I want to enable myself to practice as well and efficiently as possible!

    I think I can practice Monday and Tuesday evening for about 1 to 1,5 hours, after waiting an hour after dinner (to be very specific). Wednesdays I can't practice. Thursdays I can easily practice somewhere between 1-3 hours. Fridays are time with girlfriend in the evening, so don't think I can practice then.

    Saturdays and Sundays could also do multiple hours, trying to balance housework and girlfriend-time of course.

    Would those be good starting hours? And I think it'd be with Jonathan's 30-day Beginner Course, as I think that'd be a good start, but not entirely sure.

    I have a lot of questions (haha), but I just want to make the most of my time and finally, properly, learn to sing well.

    Thanks in advance!


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 months ago

    That's awesome! As for actual time singing (for beginners), 30 minutes per practice session is a good place to start, but of course you can sing longer if you're feeling good and spend more time on listening, learning songs and ear training. Please see below for more advice on structuring your practice! 

    A typical daily routine can look like (1) Warm up, (2) New lesson or repeat previous lesson, (3) Ear training or Active listening, (4) Working on a specific song. Following the 30 day beginner course (in order) for your "new lesson" of the day is the best advice I can give, since it was designed to be done sequentially and build on previous knowledge. 

    The reason my guidance is open-ended is because every singer has different goals and is starting from a different point of ability and experience. It's up to you to decide whether you're ready to move onto a new lesson or if you need to repeat the previous day's!

  • M
    M.roegiest 3 months ago

    Hi Camille,

    Thank you for the advice! I will definitely save this post for in September so I have a good place to start. I will also have a camera set up for my practice, so I can film my progression over the long term. And of course look at any improvement points from a physical standpoint.

    The active listening and ear training are new subjects for me, so I will read more about what that is, and watch the videos on here!

    Excited to start soon :D


    PS: My name is Max by the way. Need to add that to my last name haha.

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 months ago

    Have fun, Max! Welcome!

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