GGrandlakestream 2 years ago
Camille...I wondered if there are exersizes I could do on the fly, or on the way to a gig in the car, or off stage while waiting...things I could memorize and not have to do with you online (though I love that the most!) Also, is there a list somewhere on 30 of all your tutorials? Thanks, Randy
CCamille van Niekerk 2 years ago
Hi Randy,
I recommend memorizing your favorite warmups and moving throughout your range, bit by bit. That's what I do for most of my warmups! Here's a sample routine:
Lip trill: start in comfortable range, gradually move lower and then higher
NG: high head voice; optional - open up to a vowel from NG
ONE: chest-dominant mix, start in chest voice range and take higher
WUH: same as ONE; add a sustain and start to open the vowel slightly
Which warmups you choose, and the range you do them in, is up to you! The key is understanding what works well for your voice, and what'll help you prepare for whatever you're about to sing.
These lessons can help: