Must I breathe out through my nose too?

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • K
    Kang Yong Hyun 4 years ago

    Hi Ms Camille

    I am a beginner, and I have a question about air flow when exhaling.

    When I am singing a note, should I let some air flow out through my nose or am I supposed to lock my nose so that no air escapes through it?

    I also find that I instinctively block the airflow out of my nose when I am using my 'back of the throat' voice, and singing high notes. Is this practice fine, or should I correct it?


    If it is fine to either block or open the airway out of my nose when singing, which practice do you recommend for a better sound?


    Thanks in advance

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Kang! It sounds like you're very aware when singing, which is excellent! I find that there's some nasal air flow when my palate is down and little to none when my palate is raised (as you described with the "back of the throat" voice). It makes sense because when the palate is raised, the passageway to your nasal cavity is blocked. I wouldn't worry about the level of air flow unless you feel it's impacting your sound in a negative way! But I think the root cause is your soft palate position. 

  • K
    Kang Yong Hyun 4 years ago

    Right. I think I will just do what is natural for me.

    Thank you!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Great plan. My pleasure, Kang!

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