Enjoyed the course but missed social interaction!

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • G
    Ghada277 1 month ago

    I enjoyed the course content with Camille, but I gradually stopped doing it as it felt lonely and missed the group energy. I am now back on it to finish it off.

    Do you do online group workshops? 

    How do we progress after finishing the course?

    Thanks - Ghada

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 1 month ago

    Hi, Ghada! Singing together is always the best!

    We don't currently have group workshops, but you're welcome to submit a video for instructor feedback: https://www.30daysinger.com/feedback

    After the level 1 course, I highly recommend level 2! You're also welcome to peruse the site and try out different shorter lesson series based on your goals and interests. I like to guide my practice based on song work, so I choose a song or two to work on, and then choose exercises/lessons to help me with those specific songs and the skills they require. 

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