KKerrie 2 years ago
Dear Camille, I have been trying to tackle my pitches and ear training and im getting contracting notes for the first phrase of song we dont talk about bruno from Encanto? Not sure A#3 or G#3 note
Just wondering for very first phrase "we dont talk" are the pitches D#4 A#3 (or is it G#3?) D#4?
from your opinion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IFD4ozm1DA
Thank you,
CCamille van Niekerk 2 years ago
Hi, Kerrie! I hear those pitches as D#4 and G#4. Here's a free download of the sheet music for you as well: https://sheetmusic-free.com/download/17687/. They're notated as Eb4 and Ab3 (same as D# and G#).