DDhmccay 1 year ago
Do you have recommendations for songs that a beginner mezzo soprano/high alto could work on? I enjoy all the exercises and lessons, but know I should be working on songs as well. I just don't know where to start!
Perhaps there is a beginner soloist book that would be appropriate. Thank you!
EEthanknightt 1 year ago
I use singing carrots for that you can pick a diffculty level and a range. It has helped me find good songs within my range. Hope that helps
CCamille van Niekerk 1 year ago
Great question! I have a working list in this Google doc for different voice types: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yEgkAeJ63JriRJ1eEtSv3JWMEyWK04zEezAxCrOEvwI/edit?usp=sharing.
This article should help, too: https://www.30daysinger.com/blog/how-to-choose-a-good-song-for-your-voice-considering-range-registration-and-style
Once you find a song or singer whose range feels like an easy fit for you, look through their song list and even songs they've covered for more suggestions! That's usually how I find new songs :)