lyrics and chords to Hear My Voice

Posted in Category Lesson Q&A
  • I
    Info 3 years ago

    Is there a chord/lyrics sheet to the Hear My Voice song? It would be a lot easier to follow if I had a written reference. I could write it all down I guess but I thought it would be on here somewhere?!...tia

  • L
    Luis 3 years ago

    Is that a new song or you mean the 'Share my voice' song used in Jon and  Jonathan's courses?

     You know: ...and I will share my voice, as one of life's great joys...

    In the case of 'Share my Voice", I recall seing some chord sheet or lyrics file in one of the early lessons with Jon Statham. The song is divided through several lessons but the main chrods are on lesson 6, for the chorus and bridge, you would need to chek the videos; and the full lyrics are on lesson 29.



    I have seen where I’m going / In my mind a thousand times
    And my true heart is showing / With a voice uniquely mine
    And I'm ready now to sing and celebrate
    And I am sure of every step that I will take
    And I will share my voice / As one of life's great joys
    Yes I will share my voice / Because I'm sure of every step.
    And it’s a new trail I am blazing / And I know you’ll hear me now
    I’ll go from so-so to amazing / And step by step will show me how
    And I'm so ready now to sing and celebrate
    And I am sure of every step that I will take
    And I will share my voice / As one of life's great joys
    Yes I will share my voice / Because I'm sure of every step.
    And you’ll see more life / More fun, more songs with everyone
    More love, more ME / Soaring high and free
    And I will share my voice / As one of life's great joys
    Yes I will share my voice / So sure of every step.
    I'll share my voice / As one of life's great joys
    Yes I will share my voice / Because I'm sure of every step.

    Hope this helps.


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Thanks for sharing, Luis! Here's a lead sheet for "Share My Voice" as well. 

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