Recommended Practice

Posted in Category Lesson Q&A
  • F
    F C 4 weeks ago

    Hey I have a Question about how the Instructors Recomend Practicing, As I go through the course, the excercises are very helpful to address the individual topics discussed, but then I move on. How do you recomend having a warm up routine that accumulates the excercises taught in each lesson? So I can continue to practice each aspect. 



  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 weeks ago

    Hello! You might use one warmup routine for a time with a specific focus (building head voice, range extension, reducing strain, etc) depending on your most pressing needs. Or you might have a short "general" warmup and add on a few targeted exercises to work on those goals. You might also choose "add on" exercises to prepare for your song work that day (belting, agility, phrasing, etc). Or you can cycle through for variety - vocal cross training, so to speak! 

    I hope that helps, and feel free to submit a video for feedback if you'd like help narrowing down which exercises you should prioritize right now in your singing journey. 

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