Getting. Started

Posted in Category Lesson Q&A
  • S
    Steph5cs 4 weeks ago
    Hi Camille,

    What are good key words to get lessons on particular topics in your search engine for30 day singer. For example I was particularly successful in using tutorial and tutorials and got a lot of different hits. Do you have anything to suggest?
    I’m an intermediate to advanced Soprano voice student and would like help with playing my guitar and singing at the same time. I’ve been working on songs separately but haven’t been able to get them together yet. I tense up. I am a soprano and I have been lately working with standards and early Joni Mitchell songs. I just got Joni’s book and am too early to play her stuff well on my guitar, I'm just starting, although I can sing in her early songs tessatura prettily easily. I can work with some standards on the guitar and sing them f I don’t tense up.
    A video is a good idea, but I am not quite ready for that yet. So knowing more keywords would be helpful. I will definitely try to make it in time for Abram’s class on the 10th about singing and playing the guitar. How do I connect with the class? Can you let me know? 


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 weeks ago

    Hi Stephanie,

    Here's a lesson series (tutorial) on that subject:

    I've had the best luck searching Google and including 30 day singer in my search. 

    For live lessons, click the notification bell on YouTube!

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