sore throat

Posted in Category Introduction Forum
  • R
    Raykillips 8 months ago

    Is it common to have a sore throat after starting the program? I just started the program this morning. 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 8 months ago

    Hi Ray, pain is not a sign you should ignore - that's your body telling you to stop, rest, and try again when you're feeling good. Please see below for advice from another thread on strain/pain!

    I'd start by adding in a cooldown to the end of your practice. Here's a 4-minute cooldown for low voices. Your cooldown can also be as simple as a minute or two of gentle slides/sirens through a straw

    I'd encourage you to send in a video for feedback as well, particularly if there's something you can pinpoint that causes you strain/pain in the moment:

    If you're concerned and the hoarseness persists, it's worth checking with your doctor to address any underlying issues that could be contributing! Our rule of thumb is: hoarseness for 2+ weeks warrants seeing the doctor. 

    More to address strain/pain via vocal technique:

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