
Posted in Category Introduction Forum
  • K
    Kezr0060 2 months ago
    Hi .. it is day one for me.
    I am wondering do I read and do all the exercises in the: "25 Steps to Become A Better Singer guide" and "
     Range & Song guide" before I start the custom lesson plan that i was advised by email I will be sent son?
    I have started reading the "25 Steps" guide just to get an indication of what is involved and I see there are a number of exercises which will take me quite some time to complete. So 
    I would also like to know what is the optimum amount of time per day that should be spent on 
    reading and on exercises.
    best wishes 
  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 months ago

    Hello! I recommend you begin with one of the 30-day beginner courses, and refer to those additional resources as you have extra time and/or interest! A good goal is 30 minutes per day of singing practice. 

  • K
    Kezr0060 2 months ago

    Thankyou Camille. 🤗 

    Regarding the "Day 2 Quick Warm Up" which is recommended to complete daily: I'm not sure which one I should use: Alto, Soprano, Tenor?

    (Bass seems too low for me but the others I can sort of follow along with) 


    Also, I have a lot of trouble lip trilling. I have to push quite hard my fingers into my cheeks near my lips to get trilling for a little bit but I can't keep it going for long 😔 do you think if I can't even do that it might be a waste of time for me or does it get easier to lip trill. 

    Best wishes



  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 1 month ago

    Please see the following resources to narrow down your range:,have%20it%2C%20your%20vocal%20range!

    And as for lip trills:

    Straw singing is a great replacement for lip trills! Here's a lesson on other lip trill alternatives too:


    Here's an article on lip trills and a short lesson with extra tips as well!

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