Posted by Turon.turon 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHello, I have noticed that when I am breathing the right way (from my belly, 360 degrees breath), I am not getting as much air as from the wrong type of breathing, where you lift your shoulders. I've ...
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Vocal range
Posted by Allen Ronn-Eronini 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHello, I am currently working to improve my vocal range so I am practicing the "How to gradually sing higher" lesson by Camille. I was wondering if in the process of improving my range I would also b...
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Hit higher notes
Posted by Kuteesamelanie23 3 years agoTechnique and Stylehello I want to learn how to hit higher notes without strain and I am also requesting that you make a video mainly talking about bts vocal line techniques, styles and way of singing please thank you&n...
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Posted by Msytner 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHi Camille, I watched all your tutorials on vibrato, but I still can't master it. I am making sure I am using breath support, cord compression and relaxing, but it isn't working. Any advice? Than...
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Posted by Loganemail257 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHi Camille, I had a quick video lesson with you yesterday where i asked about imaging going down when signing high notes, I forgot to ask if I should imagine up when singing low notes. I saw a youtube...
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On how many aspects should you work on simultaneously when singing
Posted by Lucajung1 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHey!I have a question regarding praticing Techniques on Songs.Example: I know i struggle with breathing, so i want to put the focus on breathing with the right technique during my Songwork session. Be...
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Posted by Kang Yong Hyun 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHi Ms Camille I just want to check whether I am distinguishing between vibrato and straight tone properly. I naturally sing in vibrato (I think), so when I try to "switch gears" to straight t...
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Posted by Thibault 3 years agoTechnique and StyleDear 30dayssinger, First of all, my compliments on your many high-quality videos. I just have one stylistic question: In your videos you often refer to using a good warm voice and not...
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Pelvic Floor Engagement
Posted by Lucajung1 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHey!Weird Question, but do i have to worry about hemorrhoids when i engage the Pelvic Floor while Singing?
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High range
Posted by Aaron Zhu 3 years agoTechnique and StyleHi Camille, I have a very intresting thing right now. My mix belt range is doing great, hitting like A#5's which is actually quite impressive. But I'm litteraly losing all my falsetto/flageleot range...